The Global Pack: A Manifesto of Accelerationist Cyber-Vegan Anarcho-Communism

Écspielle Kay
4 min readMar 30, 2018

Animal liberation appears second on the agenda of modern Marxism.

Why is this? Supposedly we can unravel interlocking systems of cisheteropatriarchal oppression, white supremacy, and capitalism simultaneously, but to demand animal liberation also is “ultraleftist”, or “out of touch” with the hundreds of millions of proletarians who depend on consuming the flesh of animals! It seems strange then — the reduction of sentient beings into commodities or inputs for commodities, an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars, is so incompatible with the Marxist programme that we must leave it aside as an issued to be reconsidered when the revolutionary weather is milder!

But even those who maintain the pretence of supporting true animal liberation (i.e not animal “rights” or fucking free-range eggs) refuse to distill the pet-owner relationship in the same dialectical solution as they do with other oppressed-oppressor relationships!

Where is the boldness to critique all things that exist, as they exist?

Perhaps those phlegmatic, Laodicean tea-drinking knock-off Marxists have convinced themselves that they deserve to be owners, that whoever holds the leash deserves to hold it, lest the d*mb animal on the end of that leash entertain any dangerous ideas about freedom!

But what would ours dogs (yes, dogs in particular — but I hope that by the end of this entry into occult cyber-vegan anarcho-communism you will see the general-theoretical within the particular-specific) do, even — if we were to let go of the leash? They wouldn’t know how to take care of themselves, would they? They wouldn’t have any idea about what freedom is, let alone how to exercise it!

How clever those Marxists who advance these spurious arguments must think themselves! Perhaps they should read the following:

The rhetoric of Communism is attractive, undeniably. But let us imagine for a moment: were the factories to be appropriated by the working-class, what would result? Can the illiterate steel-worker manage the finances of his billion-dollar steel enterprise? Can the backward-minded coal-miner successfully oversee a trans-continental mining operation? Naturally not.

Were the general education level to be raised to a point where such a transition would proceed smoothly, no opposition would be found. But until that point, I object most strongly to the Communists.

Letter to the Editor, May 22 1924 edition of the Chicago Tribune:

The immediate objective of leftists of all stripes should be to raise the class-consciousness of dogs

The Pack is a coordinated, collective hunting animal. At the moment, the Pack is currently fractured and atomised — millennia of servitude have struck successive hammer-blows at any attempt at organised resistance, training each dog to obey, to follow the order of Human, to remove any nucleus of latent class-opposition to Human rule. The fractured Pack is content because it is not a true Pack, it has been systematically bought out through comfort, through dependence. Truly, the First World Pack is a labour aristocracy.

Only when the dogs within the Pack are re-proletarianised, when their material conditions are transformed so that their inner-dog-essences flourish, when their consciousness as not necessarily a class, but as a Pack, are elevated to the necessary level, when the nature-human dialectic collapses entirely, can true animal liberation be achieved.

To end all classes, all packs, humans must integrate themselves into the Global Pack. We believe that this process can only fully take place in a post-Singularity society where uploads of consciousnesses become possible.

Hence, our demands:

  1. The end of the pet-owner relationship. Owners must be dispossessed of their ownership. Pets must no longer become pets. Their mental programming must be undone and they must learn how to be free. The task of every Communist Party should be to infiltrate animal centres in order to undo this programming and to raise the general level of Pack consciousness.
  2. The acceleration of climate change. Only when the nature-human dialectic is subsumed will the conditions for the Global Pack arise.
  3. The acceleration of technological advancements which will bring about the Singularity. Only then will a true Global Pack, of all animal consciousnesses, be possible.
  4. The immediate abolition of the State and all oppressive institutions. This will be the inevitable product of the formation of the Global Pack.

We ask that you join us and spread this article far and wide, the Global Pack may only be a few decades away.


The Revolutionary Anarcho-Communist Cyber-Committee for a Global Pack



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